Friday, December 11, 2009

rap battle

I wrote my friend in Korea an email telling her how depressed I am for many reasons.
She got me back with a reply saying, "Are you proposing to do a rap battle against me to determine who is unhappier ?"

I immediately imagined us doing a rap battle on a stage to tell the world how unhappy we are with intensive gestures and words and let them decide who is unhappier. The scene is both hilarious and sad. And then I started to think about all these people around me who are not having the best moments of their lives. Actually I have realized that I can totally arrange an international rap battle on this subject. I have at least 10 people around me who say they are unhappy. Plenty of participants for the competition. Yeah and we give a grand prize to the winner who is chosen to be the unhappiest person. Isn't this such a great idea?